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The pridefulness and arrogance of the Positivists, going back to the Enlightenment but very apparent in today’s milieu of Scientism, is most apparent when they use their reductionistic epistemology to proclaim that their projects are untethered from Religion and Philosophy.

Why is Studying Theology Important for Christians?

There are several reasons why the study of theology is important for Christians but it seems that in today’s times, it is more important than ever so that Christians do not fall into false teaching, and propagate misinformation as truth. One giant reason for studying Theology is to develop the skill of discernment. Discernment is a skill expected of mature Christians (1 John 4:1); but without at least a basic understanding of Theology, testing and discerning is highly unlikely.

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“Plato dreamed of a moral community that he was never able to actualize, but now this dream of a community had burst into reality. The center of this community was not, however, a philosopher from Athens. It was a Jewish teacher from Galilee whose works revealed him to be God enfleshed and who had now sent his Spirit to create the kind of community that Plato never could.” - Timothy Paul Jones


There are two views on human origins. One is high, the other is low. The high view has a poem that summarizes who human beings are:

So God created mankind in his own image,
in the image of God he created them;
male and female he created them.

The low view has its own poem:

Once I was an amoeba
Beginning to begin
Then I was a tadpole
With my tail tucked in
Then I was a monkey
Hanging from a tree
Now I’m a college professor
With a Ph.D!!!  


There is a certain modern sentiment held by the cultural nominally religious, and even by the modern / postmodern Christian, that perceives of miracles as the idea that God intervenes in the course of natural events, and such events are unexplainable by scientific methodology or human reason making them violations of the law of nature. Atheists, of course, rail against those who accept this definition suggesting that it is nothing more than a “God of the Gaps” theory….and for a good reason. It is decidedly not Christian but pagan.

Classically, miracles are those events that spark wonder. The Christian response to this understanding is that miracles are those events that are accentuated distinct events of what God is already doing (and has always done) that produce awe in human beings for the purpose of bringing glory to the Father. Biblically, they are called signs and wonders. Functionally, there is no difference between God healing a man through the means of prayer than what God already does through the means of human beings who practice medicine. He is the author of both.


⳩ δοῦλος Ἰησοῦ Χριστοῦ, Husband & Dad, Discipleship Pastor @TBAchurch, Middle-Earth Narnian Walking in the Wood Between the Worlds. ⳩

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